
Galicia hosts the Annual Conference of the ICOM International Committee for Literary Museums

“Polo camiño sonoro da palabra: interseccións entre literatura e música” no 25º aniversario do pasamento de Uxío Novoneyra é o tema central deste Comité de directores de museos literarios que visita por primeira vez a Península Ibérica.
O Comité Internacional de Museos Literarios e de Compositores (ICLCM), parte da Asociación Mundial de Museos (ICOM), celebra por primeira vez na Península Ibérica a súa Conferencia Anual, que terá lugar os días 24, 25 e 26 de outubro de 2024. Galicia foi o destino elixido polo seu patrimonio literario, con Santiago de Compostela, a cidade de Lugo, as vilas de Rianxo e Padrón e Outeiro de Rei e as Montañas do Courel seleccionadas como parte do programa de visitas.
Esta reunión unirá once literaturas distintas, explorando as ricas conexións entre a literatura e a música, centrándose nas múltiples interseccións entre ambas as dúas formas artísticas.
Galicia, co seu patrimonio cultural único e o seu legado e vangarda literaria e musical, foi seleccionada como marco ideal para esta conferencia.
No contexto do 25º aniversario do pasamento do poeta Uxío Novoneyra, esta conferencia ofrecerá un espazo para honrar o seu legado e o de outros autores fundamentais na literatura galega, como Rosalía de Castro, Manuel Antonio, Manuel María, Manuel Antonio, e o Nobel Camilo Jose Cela, así como para reflexionar sobre o diálogo constante entre música e palabra en Galicia, dende os Cancioneiros medievais ata a actualidade.
O evento conta co apoio da Consellería de Cultura da Xunta de Galicia e a colaboración de asociacións de museos como RELIGA, ACAMFE, Espais Escrits e Case della Memoria, que contribuirán á súa celebración.
Entre as actividades programadas, destacan as visitas a museos literarios e casas de autoras, sesións de relatorios e conferencias impartidas por expertos internacionais, e actuacións musicais en vivo que poñerán en valor a fusión da música e da poesía galega.
O encontro culminará cunha visita a Serra do Courel, onde se homenaxeará o legado do poeta no seu 25º aniversario.
Datas: 24-27 de outubro de 2024
Lugar: Santiago de Compostela e outros territorios literarios de Galicia, como as vilas de Padrón, Outeiro de Rei e Rianxo, a cidade de Lugo e as montañas do Courel.
Organiza: Comité Internacional de Museos Literarios e de Compositores (ICLCM) – ICOM

Apoia: Consellería de Cultura da Xunta de Galicia
Colaboran:, RELIGA, ACAMFE, Espais Escrits, Case della Memoria



The Iberian Association of Writers’ Museums and Foundations renews its board of directors during its annual meeting.
The Iberian Association of Writers’ Museums and Foundations (ACAMFE), which brings together 43 house museums and foundations from across the Iberian Peninsula, celebrated its 30th anniversary in Madrid during its annual meeting. The event included an assembly at the Residencia de Estudiantes, where a new board of directors was elected, headed by Uxío Novo, secretary of the Uxío Novoneyra Foundation, who takes over the presidency from Victoria Galán, director of the Benito Pérez Galdós House Museum. The new leadership team will include Marlene Oliveira from the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation (Famaliçao), who will continue serving as vice-president; Antonio Piñeiro from the Curros Enríquez Foundation and Carlos Velo (Celanova), who will serve as secretary; and Raúl Luís García from the Gregorio Prieto Foundation (Valdepeñas), the new treasurer of the institution. Additionally, Eva Jiménez from the Cervantes House Museum (Alcalá de Henares) and Ana Chaguaceda from the Unamuno House Museum at the University of Salamanca will be members of the entity’s board of directors, which, for three decades, has been dedicated to preserving and promoting various legacies and literary houses across the Iberian region.

The new ACAMFE board has outlined key challenges for this new phase, including promoting projects such as the creation of a European network of museums of notable figures, the celebration of the Iberian Languages Day, and the development of training, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainability initiatives, aligned with the current advances and challenges in literary heritage management.

**Meeting with Yolanda Díaz at the National Library**
A highlight of the event was the reception hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister, Yolanda Díaz, who greeted participants at the National Library during her visit to the exhibition “Unamuno and Politics: From the Pen to the Word.” In her speech, Díaz expressed her gratitude for the commitment of the writers’ house museums and foundations, emphasizing “the value of their work in preserving and promoting artistic and cultural heritage.”

The delegation also had the opportunity to visit the Lope de Vega House Museum and enjoyed a recital dedicated to Vicente Aleixandre, Carmen Conde, and Gloria Fuertes, performed by the singer Ana Cuenca in the Residencia de Estudiantes’ Salon, an emblematic and lively venue associated with the unforgettable poets of the Generation of ’27.

The event also featured the participation of international delegations, including the ICLCM World Committee of Literary, Musical, and Artistic Museums, the Italian Association Casa della Memoria, the Portuguese Association of House Museums, along with the Writers’ Professional Association, the Espais Escrits network promoting the study and reading of Catalan literature, and the RELIGA network of Literary Houses, Museums, Foundations, and Spaces of Galicia.


Roser Vernet at the “Escrita no Remoto” Residency

July 28, O Courel

The translator and author Roser Vernet is currently enjoying the “Escrita no Remoto” residency at the Uxío Novoneyra House Museum in Parada (Folgoso do Courel). This residency program, organized by the Uxío Novoneyra Foundation with the support of the Lugo Provincial Council’s Culture Department through the Museistic Network, is starting its third edition this month between the poet’s birthplace and the Pazo de Tor in Monforte de Lemos.

Tor and Parada are two locations closely linked to the work of the Courel poet, and previous editions of the program have hosted authors Yolanda Castaño, Pamen Pereira, and María Sánchez. This year, the invited author is Roser Vernet, who won the latest Premi Ciutat de Barcelona in the Catalan language literature category with her first book “Lo ming del món,” an unclassifiable book that collects a mosaic of experiences interwoven with her place of belonging.

Roser Vernet directs the Centre Quim Soler in El Molar (Priorat), an association that works for the integral development of the community. The center houses the collection of the writer Joaquim Soler Ferret and promotes the study and dissemination of his work. Additionally, it is a space that has linked literature and wine for decades and develops the Priorat en Persona project, which invites Catalan authors to write a literary dictionary of the exceptional landscape of Priorat. Over forty participants during eight editions have lived closely with “adalids” (people representing the living experience of Priorat) who have facilitated the writing of a dictionary in progress with over four hundred words that name the land that welcomes them. In each biannual edition, the authors return to the place to share their texts with the educational community of various schools and institutes in the region.

The Uxío Novoneyra Foundation invites the Catalan author and translator to write about the equally exceptional Courel landscape and subsequently share the written piece with the mountain educational communities. The synergy with the Priorat en Persona project was the driving force behind the invitation to initiate a dialogue with the Centre Quim Soler and start a literary conversation between the writings of the lands of Priorat and the Courel fields.

Roser Vernet Anguera was born in Priorat in 1955. Like many, she had to leave the region and live outside of Priorat and the country. She returned permanently at the beginning of the 21st century. She is addicted to practices that generate complicity, large shared tables, and words and deeds that weave and enable dignified ways of inhabiting the places that welcome us.