The garden and the chestnut groves

2000 m² of garden surround Casa da Fonte, a natural space filled with apple trees, walnut trees, cherry trees, rose bushes, laurels, carnabudos, and many other native species.

This is the setting for the Festival dos Eidos, held every August, bringing together poetry, music, dance, and nature.

From here, there is a privileged view of the Courel mountains, especially from the sunny spot that overlooks Pinza and Lomba.

The garden connects through a path to Souto da Rubial, the chestnut grove of the poet, a clearing in the Courel forest that shelters dozens of centuries-old chestnut trees. The ensemble is part of the Catalog of Remarkable Trees of the Government of Galicia.

I will scythe like in the great haymaking gatherings of Summer after successive mowers
vigorously licking the heels ahead. Back and forth the scythe sings in binary rhythm
against a backdrop of purple or continuous river.

Os Eidos, 1955